Kamis, 27 September 2012


mungkin yang sudah menonton anime welcome to the N.H.K tahu apa itu arti dari hikikomori..
Hikikomori berasal dari kata menarik diri. Kebanyakan hikikomori adalah laki-laki, walau ada juga yang perempuan. Faktor penyebab nya tidak begitu jelas, Namun kebanyakan publik menyalahkan faktor keluarga, dimana hilangnya figur seorang ayah karena bekerja dari pagi hingga larut malam hingga tidak sempat melakukan interaksi dengan anaknya, serta ibu yang dianggap terlalu memanjakan anaknya (mungkin karena jumlah anak yang dimiliki keluarga Jepang itu sedikit). Tekanan akademik di sekolah, pelecehan di sekolah (school bullying), dan video game di Jepang yang luar biasa menggoda. Mungkin bisa di bilang mereka menarik diri dari tekanan kompetisi pelajar, pelaku ekonomi atau pekerja di negara yang luar biasa kompetisi-nya. Jumlah pastinya tidak diketahui pasti, ada yang menghitung sekitar 1 persen dari populasi. Ini berarti sekitar 1 juta orang Jepang hikikomori. Hitungan yang lebih konservatif berkisar antara 100 ribu dan 320 ribu orang yang hikikomori. Mereka biasanya berusia 13-14 tahun, walau kadang ada orang yang menjadi hikikomori bahkan lebih dari 10tahun

sejarah cosplay

Sejak paruh kedua tahun 1960-an, penggemar cerita dan film fiksi ilmiah di Amerika Serikat sering mengadakan konvensi fiksi ilmiah. Peserta konvensi mengenakan kostum seperti yang yang dikenakan tokoh-tokoh film fiksi ilmiah seperti Star Trek. Budaya Amerika Serikat sejak dulu mengenal bentuk-bentuk pesta topeng (masquerade) seperti dalam perayaan Haloween dan Paskah.[1]
Tradisi penyelenggaraan konvensi fiksi ilmiah sampai ke Jepang pada dekade 1970-an dalam bentuk acara peragaan kostum (costume show).[2] Di Jepang, peragaan "cosplay" pertama kali dilangsungkan tahun 1978 di Ashinoko, Prefektur Kanagawa dalam bentuk pesta topeng konvensi fiksi ilmiah Nihon SF Taikai ke-17. Kritikus fiksi ilmiah Mari Kotani menghadiri konvensi dengan mengenakan kostum seperti tokoh dalam gambar sampul cerita A Fighting Man of Mars karya Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tidak hanya Mari Kotani menghadiri Nihon SF Taikai sambil ber-cosplay. Direktur perusahaan animasi Gainax, Yasuhiro Takeda memakai kostum tokoh Star Wars.[2]
Pada waktu itu, peserta konvensi menyangka Mari Kotani mengenakan kostum tokoh manga Triton of the Sea karya Osamu Tezuka. Kotani sendiri tidak berusaha keras membantahnya, sehingga media massa sering menulis kostum Triton of the Sea sebagai kostum cosplay pertama yang dikenakan di Jepang. Selanjutnya, kontes cosplay dijadikan acara tetap sejak Nihon SF Taikai ke-19 tahun 1980. Peserta mengenakan kostum Superman, Atom Boy, serta tokoh dalam Toki o Kakeru Shōjo dan film Virus.[3] Selain di Comic Market, acara cosplay menjadi semakin sering diadakan dalam acara pameran dōjinshi dan pertemuan penggemar fiksi ilmiah di Jepang.
Majalah anime di Jepang sedikit demi sedikit mulai memuat berita tentang acara cosplay di pameran dan penjualan terbitan dōjinshi. Liputan besar-besaran pertama kali dilakukan majalah Fanroad edisi perdana bulan Agustus 1980. Edisi tersebut memuat berita khusus tentang munculnya kelompok anak muda yang disebut "Tominoko-zoku" ber-cosplay di kawasan Harajuku dengan mengenakan kostum baju bergerak Gundam. Kelompok "Tominoko-zoku" dikabarkan muncul sebagai tandingan bagi Takenoko-zoku (kelompok anak muda berpakaian aneh yang waktu itu meramaikan kawasan Harajuku). Istilah "Tominoko-zoku" diambil dari nama sutradara film animasi Gundam, Yoshiyuki Tomino, dan sekaligus merupakan parodi dari istilah Takenoko-zoku. Foto peserta cosplay yang menari-nari sambil mengenakan kostum robot Gundam juga ikut dimuat. Walaupun sebenarnya artikel tentang Tominoko-zoku hanya dimaksudkan untuk mencari sensasi, artikel tersebut berhasil menjadikan "cosplay" sebagai istilah umum di kalangan penggemar anime.
Sebelum istilah cosplay digunakan oleh media massa elektronik, asisten penyiar Minky Yasu sudah sering melakukan cosplay. Kostum tokoh Minky Momo sering dikenakan Minky Yasu dalam acara temu darat mami no RADI-karu communication yang disiarkan antara lain oleh Radio Tōkai sejak tahun 1984. Selanjutnya, acara radio yang sama mulai mengadakan kontes cosplay. Dari tahun 1989 hingga 1995, di tv asahi ditayangkan ranking kostum cosplay yang sedang populer dalam acara Hanakin Data Land.
Sekitar tahun 1985, hobi cosplay semakin meluas di Jepang karena cosplay telah menjadi sesuatu hal yang mudah dilakukan. Pada waktu itu kebetulan tokoh Kapten Tsubasa sedang populer, dan hanya dengan kaus T-shirt pemain bola Kapten Tsubasa, orang sudah bisa "ber-cosplay". Kegiatan cosplay dikabarkan mulai menjadi kegiatan berkelompok sejak tahun 1986. Sejak itu pula mulai bermunculan fotografer amatir (disebut kamera-kozō) yang senang memotret kegiatan cosplay.[4]

by : wikipedia

Selasa, 25 September 2012

japanese culture clothing

Traditional Japanese clothing distinguishes Japan from all other countries around the world. The Japanese word kimono means "something one wears" and they are the traditional garments of Japan. Originally, the word kimono was used for all types of clothing, but eventually, it came to refer specifically to the full-length garment also known as the naga-gi, meaning "long-wear", that is still worn today on special occasions by women, men, and children. Kimono in this meaning plus all other items of traditional Japanese clothing is known collectively as wafuku which means "Japanese clothes" as opposed to yofuku (Western-style clothing). Kimonos come in a variety of colours, styles, and sizes. Men mainly wear darker or more muted colours, while women tend to wear brighter colors and pastels, and, especially for younger women, often with complicated abstract or floral patterns.
The kimono of a woman who is married (tomesode) differs from the kimono of a woman who is not married (furisode). The tomesode sets itself apart because the patterns do not go above the waistline. The furisode can be recognized by its extremely long sleeves spanning anywhere from 39 to 42 inches, it is also the most formal kimono an unwed woman wears. The furisode advertises that a woman is not only of age but also single.
The style of kimono also changes with the season, in spring kimonos are vibrantly colored with springtime flowers embroidered on them. In the fall, kimono colors are not as bright, with fall patterns. Flannel kimonos are ideal for winter, they are a heavier material to help keep you warm.
One of the more elegant kimonos is the uchikake, a long silk overgarment worn by the bride in a wedding ceremony. The uchikake is commonly embellished with birds or flowers using silver and gold thread.
Kimonos do not come in specific sizes as most western dresses do. The sizes are only approximate, and a special technique is used to fit the dress appropriately.
The obi is a very important part of the kimono. Obi is a decorative sash that is worn by Japanese men and women, although it can be worn with many different traditional outfits, it is most commonly worn with the kimono. Most women wear a very large elaborate obi, while men typically don a more thin and conservative obi.
Most Japanese men only wear the kimono at home or in a very laid back environment, however it is acceptable for a man to wear the kimono when he is entertaining guests in his home. For a more formal event a Japanese man might wear the haori and hakama, a half coat and divided skirt. The hakama is tied at the waist, over the kimono and ends near the ankle. Hakama were initially intended for men only, but today it is acceptable for women to wear them as well. Hakama can be worn with types of kimono, excluding the summer version, yukata. The lighter and simpler casual-wear version of kimono often worn in summer or at home is called yukata.
Formal kimonos are typically worn in several layers, with number of layers, visibility of layers, sleeve length, and choice of pattern dictated by social status, season, and the occasion for which the kimono is worn. Because of the mass availability, most Japanese people wear western style clothing in their everyday life, and kimonos are mostly worn for festivals, and special events. As a result, most young women in Japan are not able to put the kimono on themselves. Many older women offer classes to teach these young women how to don the traditional clothing.
Happi is another type of traditional clothing, but it is not famous worldwide like the kimono. A happi (or happy coat) is a straight sleeved coat that is typically imprinted with the family crest, and was a common coat for firefighters to wear.
Japan also has very distinct footwear.
Tabi, an ankle high sock, is often worn with the kimono. Tabi are designed to be worn with geta, a type of thonged footwear. Geta are sandals mounted on wooden blocks held to the foot by a piece of fabric that slides between the toes. Geta are worn both by men and women with the kimono or yukata.

Gasai Yuno

Yuno Gasai (我妻 由乃, Gasai Yuno) is in love with Yukiteru. His condition and actions are recorded every ten minutes in her "Yukiteru" diary while also providing small commentary made by Yuno in some of the entries. Its most obvious weakness is that it does not show Yuno's future at all — her condition, situation, or surroundings — unless it somehow involves Yuki or her own Dead End. Working with the First's "No Difference" diary, however, covers both of their diaries' individual flaws; as it has been said, the two make for a perfect combo, both in theory and in practice.
Smart, beautiful, and diligent; those who don't truly know Yuno would simply see the model student role she plays while at school. In truth, she is secretly obsessed with Yukiteru and her continued interaction with him leads her mind to become increasingly unstable, to the extent of kidnapping and confining him. She can be quite clingy and is highly fond of stalking him. When obstacles arise that either endanger Yukiteru's life or threatens their relationship, her thoughts turn murderous and she lets nothing get in the way of her path. Yuno is also able to quickly analyze and adapt to unexpected situations that may arise, and she puts thoughts into action without hesitation, performing what needs to be done without ever losing her nerves. These traits make her one of the strongest players in Deus' game, despite having the weakest diary for providing self survival aid. And while Yukiteru is credited for triggering the greatest shift in future occurrences, Yuno is the one who has created the largest influence in those events. Despite her strengths, however, she does process a rather unstable, antisocial and possessive personality; going so far as to kill anyone who tries getting close to Yuki. She would have gone as far as killing Yukiteru's mother, had she not approved of their relationship. Yuno tends to carry around a utility knife with her at all times, though she will make use of other weaponry such as kitchen knives, hatchets, etc, when required.
Yuno lives in a poorly-kept house where there is no electricity. The first time Yuki visits, he discovers a room of rotting corpses. On a later visit with Aru Akise present, the room with the corpses and the foundation under it have been obliterated from the structure. However, Yuno saved the heads of two of the corpses, which were identified as her parents, and is currently carrying them around with her. She becomes distressed when questioned about the unidentified third corpse from the room. It is revealed that her control-freak parents, who measured everything she did from how many hours she got to sleep to how many calories she had a day, used to keep her in a cage and starve her in an effort to raise her to be a model person. She murdered her parents after she had enough of their strict and unrelenting upbringing.
After Yuki resolves to kill all the diary holders, Yuno agrees to die for him whenever he wants, they then disappear for 5 days reappearing with Yuki during a meeting of diary holders, in a black dress. Her feelings for Yukiteru are shown to finally be accepted as they kiss during the meeting before she takes her place. It is suggested that after they eliminate the rest of the Diary Holders she will kill herself so he may become God. Later, it is revealed by Akise that she is in fact an impostor pretending to be Yuno Gasai, as the mysterious third body at her house is the real Yuno Gasai. Yuki continues to stay by her side regardless of this evidence; the fake Yuno believed Yuki would abandon her with this information. Akise is currently wondering why this impostor took Yuno's place, believing it has something to do with wanting Yuki to become God.
She returns with Yuki by killing the 11th's men in the twin towers and causing a stir that gains the media's attention, a strategy of Yuki's to use the 11th's position as Mayor to their advantage. She says that she loves Yuki as she comes to greet him. She is current heading to kill the 8th. She failed this while rushing to save the 1st from the 9th. She later kills the 11th through what seems to be a secret passageway into the vault. She then tells Yuki that she killed 11 when the latter came out from the vault. However, Akise later reveals that this is not the case. Hidden from her view, Akise sees Yuno entering the vault by bypassing the retinal scan, something that only the real Yuno should be able to do. When 8th and the other children question Akise about this, he claims that she cannot possibly be the real Yuno since the DNA evidence proves otherwise, but it is certain that she is hiding a major secret and can't be trusted. She cuts herself with a knife after fighting Akise and covers herself in blood, telling Yuki that his friends have betrayed him and that Akise is going to kill her, causing Yuki to shoot Hinata.
After hearing Akise convincing Yukiteru to rethink his beliefs on her, Yuno attempts to kill him. Akise defends himself, and destroys her diary, only to reveal another one. Akise concludes is not a false diary, but a real Yuno Gasai's diary. After finally deducing the truth, Akise attempts to warn Yukiteru, but can't because of Yuno having cut his throat. When Akise tries to approach Yukiteru to tell him the truth, Yuno decapitates him, but Yukiteru gets the message by Akise's cellphone.
It is revealed thanks to Akise, that Yuno is actually a Yuno that came from a parallel world by having became God in this other world. When the world got destroyed, Yuno leaped through time and space, and got to the actual world. She then went to her house in that world, and killed her other self, in order to take her place in the survival game, thus creating another world-the current world.
In the anime, Yuno's seiyuu is Tomosa Murata.

Jumat, 14 September 2012

touhou character 

miku hatsune-chain girl lyrics

Mou nani mo kamo iya ni naru mae ni
Honto no ai wo kudasa...

Kyou wa sukoshi sagatta yaburi sutetai tesuto Test
Kitai wo koerarezu kizu ga fueteku
Furimukeba sutete kita tomodachi toka yume toka
Jiyuu wo ubawarete ikiru doushite...?

Kokoro wo kusari de shibarareta ayatsuri ningyou
Watashi wa anata no jewel
Motto kagayake ri-ku-ru-ke-ri-ku-ru-ke

Dare no tame ni ikite iru no deshou ka
"Jibun" to ienai mama de
Mou nani mo kamo iya ni naru mae ni
Honto no ai wo kudasai

Kibou toka yubisaki de suna ni kaite mo kieru
Egao no kodomotachi tooku ni mieta
Ayumu beki michi wo kimerareta sokubaku ningyou
Anata wa watashi no akuma
Zutto mienai ito de ugokasu no

Konna tsukurareta monogatari naraba
Subete wo nuri tsubushitai
Yonaka ni nukedasu koto mitai ni
Sakarau yuuki ga hoshii

Machiyuku hito no kage oikake todomaru kakera hitori
Kono karada ishi no nai mama ni ikite kita
Uso darake no kotoba de madowasu no wa mou yamete
Anata no iinari nanka mou yameru
Watashi no kono kokoro wa okane ja kitto kaenai
Sekai de hitotsu dake no... Taisetsu na mono (Ah...)

Dare no tame ni ikite iru no deshou ka
Kotae wa me no mae ni aru
Watashi no mirai wo ubau nante
Sonna no yurusanai kara
Mou nani mo kamo iya ni naru mae ni
Kusari no kagi wo hodoite